National Mental Health Strategy 2020-2030

The National Mental Health Strategy and Suicide Prevention Agenda 2020–2030 are based on long-term preparations and broad-based collaboration. The starting point is the comprehensive approach of mental health in society and its different sectors and levels.

Mental health is seen as a resource that can be supported. It is possible to effectively prevent and manage mental disorders and reduce discrimination and stigmatisation associated with mental disorders. 

The strategy has five priority areas:

  1. Mental health as human capital
  2. Developing positive mental health in the daily lives of children and young people
  3. Mental health rights
  4. Broad-based services that meet people’s needs
  5. Good mental health management

Mer information

Helena Vorma, medicinalråd 
social- och hälsovårdsministeriet, Avdelningen för klienter och tjänster inom social- och hälsovården / APO, Enheten för servicesystemet / PAL Telefon:0295163388   E-postadress:

Soile Ridanpää, specialsakkunnig 
social- och hälsovårdsministeriet, Avdelningen för gemenskaper, organisationer och funktionsförmåga / YTO, Enheten för funktionsförmåga / TOK Telefon:0295163506   E-postadress: