Health and social services reform — a total of EUR 190 million in discretionary government transfers to be granted for development of services

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will launch two calls for applications for discretionary government transfers on Monday 20 January. Applicants can apply for funding relating to the health and social services reform in order to develop the operation of health and social services and to carry out projects supporting the restructuring of these services.
In 2020, a total of EUR 70 million will be allocated to regions under the Future Health and Social Services Centres programme. The 2020 call for applications places particular emphasis on measures promoting the availability of services in primary healthcare, social welfare, mental healthcare and multi-sectoral rehabilitation.
“The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will have bilateral discussions with regions about the development of healthcare and social welfare in January and February. There are great differences in the health and social services provided across Finland, and because of this, we want to take account of the special characteristics of regions. These transfers are meant for developing the content of services and improving the availability of services,” says Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru.
Restructuring funding is meant for voluntary regional cooperation and joint preparation. A total of EUR 120 million will be allocated for this purpose.
Discretionary government transfers will be granted for developing and harmonising the organisation of healthcare and social welfare services in particular. The social and economic impact of projects as well as their general significance will be assessed when granting funding. This funding can be used to further develop the regional solutions that were started during Prime Minister Sipilä’s government term.
“Regions have done a lot of work to develop structures and information systems. It is important that development work can continue with as few interruptions as possible,” emphasises Minister Kiuru.
Municipalities and joint municipal authorities can apply for this funding. Discretionary government transfers are granted for projects that are carried out jointly by several municipalities. As a rule, projects should cover at least 80 per cent of the population base in the county. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will grant these transfers. The Ministry of Finance will take part in the evaluation of the project proposals, particularly with regard to the impact of projects on the economy and productivity.
The calls for applications will be open from 20 January to 31 March 2020.
Laura Lindeberg, Special Adviser to Minister Kiuru, tel. +358 295 163 109,
Pasi Pohjola, Director General, Department for Steering of Healthcare and Social Welfare, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, tel. +358 295 163 585,