Government proposal on nicotine pouches and other smokeless nicotine products sent out for comments

The Government proposes that nicotine pouches and other smokeless nicotine products be more comprehensively covered by the Tobacco Act than now. The aim is for legally sold nicotine pouches to replace illegally obtained snus. The proposal also aims to prevent the use of nicotine pouches among young people.
According to the proposal, the Tobacco Act would include a definition of smokeless nicotine products that would cover nicotine pouches and products closely resembling them. Smokeless nicotine products refer to snus-like products which do not contain tobacco but which do contain added nicotine.
Selling would be made subject to licence and flavours attracting young users would be banned
The nicotine limit for products would be 20 milligrams of nicotine per gram of the product. In addition, flavours likely to attract young users would be banned. The retail sale of products would be made subject to a licence, distance selling would be banned and packets would be required to carry health warnings.
Quantitative and temporal restrictions would be imposed on the import of products. Private individuals would be allowed to bring into the country a maximum of 500 grams of smokeless nicotine products whose unit packets do not carry warning labels in Finnish and Swedish as required by the Finnish tobacco legislation.
The Government also proposes that, instead of the current 1,000 grams, it would be permitted to bring a maximum of 500 grams per calendar day of smokeless nicotine products, such as snus, into the country as a private import.
The government proposal was prepared because the Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) announced in April 2023 that nicotine pouches would no longer be classified as medicinal products. Since then, it has been possible to sell nicotine pouches in Finland without a separate marketing authorisation.
The aim of the government proposal is to prevent grey import and illicit trade and to combat organised crime. It also seeks to prevent the use of nicotine pouches among young people. The proposed act is scheduled to enter into force as soon as possible.
Reetta Honkanen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 163 684, firstname.lastname(at)
Jari Keinänen, Deputy Director General, tel. +358 295 163 311, firstname.lastname(at)