EU:n ulkopuolisista maista Suomeen töihin tuleville sosiaaliturvaoikeuksia
People coming to work in Finland from countries outside the EU, third countries as they are termed, will in future have to the right to residence-based social security benefits on the basis of their employment in Finland. Eligibility for social security benefits requires that the person has worked in Finland for a minimum of a continuous period of four months. It is estimated that the change will affect some 1,500 people annually. Until now, workers from countries outside the EU have been covered by health insurance, but they have not had the right to Finnish social security cover unless they were permanent residents of Finland.
In addition, more detailed regulations have been enacted with respect to when Finnish social security cover will be terminated in different situations. If the right to social security benefits has been created on the basis of a job, it will also terminate when the job or entrepreneurial activity ends. Other changes, which amend the legislation with regard to the increase in cross-border movements, are also included in the proposal. The changes are based on the proposals of the Solmu IV working group who examined residence-based social security.
The Government presented a proposal to Parliament on this subject on Thursday 21 November. The proposal relates to the implementation of the EU's single permit Directive. It is intended that the Act will take effect from 1 January 2014.
Further informationMarja-Terttu Mäkiranta, Ministerial Counsellor for Legal Affairs,
tel. +358 (0)2951 63170, [email protected]
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