
Personalised medicine creates preconditions for more effective treatment

Personalised medicine promotes the health and wellbeing of individuals by utilising research, new technologies and a wider range of information resources.

The aim is to prevent diseases and to improve diagnostics and the effectiveness of treatments. Privacy protection will also be ensured and people's equal opportunities to receive care and influence their own health will be supported.

The objective of the project on personalised medicine in Finland is that the National Genome Centre, the National Cancer Centre, the Neurocentre Finland, the National Drug Development Centre and the FINBioBank cooperative will establish their operating models and funding in 2021–2023. The centres will help in implementing the health sector growth strategy and strengthen national research, development and innovation activities.

The Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin states that Finland will see improvements in its research and innovation environment by strengthening existing research and development ecosystems, by developing the model for public-private partnership in innovation and by continuing the implementation of measures in accordance with the health sector growth strategy.

The growth strategy has been prepared in cooperation between three ministries (the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment) and research and innovation funding providers (Business Finland and the Academy of Finland). 

Implementation of the health sector growth strategy

The growth strategy aims for improvement in people’s health and wellbeing through the opportunities offered by the development of research and technology, for example. The aim is to make Finland an internationally renowned top player in business in the health sector, in health and wellbeing in general as well as in providing new kinds of services.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health promotes these objectives and supports the establishment of the national centres of excellence and the launch of their activities by granting discretionary government transfers, for example.

In December 2019, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health granted a government transfer to the University of Eastern Finland for the preparation of the establishment of the Neurocentre Finland.

On 31 December 2019, a call for discretionary government grant applications was opened regarding the establishment of a coordinating unit for the National Cancer Centre and the launch of regional cancer centres.

Read more about the Health Sector Growth Strategy:

Tiedotteet ja uutiset

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Muualla verkossa

EU pj-kauden virallinen oheistapahtuma Genomics and Personalised Medicine in Public Health -seminaari Brysselissä 10.10.2019

Kolumni 19.12.2019 Suomen EUPJ-kauden sivuilla: Teknologian avulla voidaan rakentaa hyvinvointia ja kestävää kasvua

Strategiajohtaja Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkin kolumni 11.11.2019: Sosiaali- ja terveysalan kas-vustrategia luo huomisen terveyttä ja kestävää kasvua