Working groups to begin preparations for reform of transgender legislation
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has appointed a monitoring and assessment working group and a working group consisting of public officials to reform transgender legislation. The term of the working groups will run until the end of January 2022.
The monitoring and assessment working group supports the work of the public officials to prepare legislation, participates in the assessing alternatives and proposals and produces expert information to support the preparation.
To organise the status and rights of persons belonging to gender minorities, the public officials working group prepares a government proposal in line with the objectives of the Government Programme.
According to Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Government Programme, legislation on the recognition of gender that respects the individual’s right to self-determination will be enacted. The requirement of infertility will be removed and medical treatments will be separated from the change of legal gender. Gender can be changed, upon application, by an adult who presents a reasoned account of his or her permanent experience of representing the other gender. A period of reflection for those who wish to change their gender will be introduced.
In line with the Government Programme, intersex children’s right to self-determination will be strengthened, abandoning cosmetic, nonmedical genital surgery on young children.
Jaska Siikavirta, Director, [email protected]