Social security for athletes, grant recipients and students

Social security and pensions is provided under special arrangements in the case of certain professional groups:


Pension and accident insurenace is compulsory until the age of 65 for those who derive their main income from sports, if their annual income exceeds EUR 12,550 (in 2023).

The sports association or organization with which athletes have an agreement takes out insurance and pays insurance premiums. Individual athletes may take voluntary insurance.

Grant recipients

Researchers and artists who use grants and scholarships in order to work are covered by statutory occupational pension and accident insurance arrangements, as well as earnings-related allowances under sickness insurance legislation and the rehabilitation benefits provided by the Social Insurance Institution (Kela). Also labour market subsidies and sickness insurance benefits are provided by Kela.

Pension and accident insurance for stipend recipients is handled by the Farmers Social Insurance Institution (Mela)


Financial aid for students is provided for tertiary level studies. The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for legislation in this area.

See also


Kirsi Terhemaa, hallitusneuvos 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Sosiaaliturva- ja vakuutusosasto / SVO, Eläke- ja yksityisvakuutusyksikkö / EVY Puhelin:0295163546   Sähköpostiosoite: