Social security rights for workers coming to Finland from outside the EU
30.12.2013People coming to work in Finland from countries outside the EU, third countries as they are termed, will in future have to the right to residence-based social security benefits on the basis of...
Combating the spread of HIV and tuberculosis by international cooperation
22.11.2013A statement on preventing the spread of infectious diseases, including HIV and tuberculosis, was adopted in Helsinki today by the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries, Poland, Germany and Russia....
EU:n ulkopuolisista maista Suomeen töihin tuleville sosiaaliturvaoikeuksia
21.11.2013People coming to work in Finland from countries outside the EU, third countries as they are termed, will in future have to the right to residence-based social security benefits on the basis of...
The economic crisis has affected health spending
21.11.2013As a result of the economic crisis the growth in health spending has slowed down considerably in OECD countries: the health expenditure was reduced in one out of three countries between the years...
Fathers of the Year: It is possible to reconcile work and family life
5.11.2013This year's Father of the Year award has been given to three fathers: Markus Forsell from Lahti, Antti Siukonen from Espoo and Tom Björkfors from Parainen. The prizes were handed over today by the...
Susanna Huovinen -
Agreement on Social Security between Finland and India approved
17.10.2013The Parliament of Finland has approved an Agreement on Social Security between Finland and India and the related legislation.
Roma women need more support in situations of domestic abuse
15.10.2013Some Roma women face domestic and family violence, as do a proportion of other women in Finland. However, in these situations Roma women have a higher threshold for seeking outside help.
Finnish companies led by a ministerial delegation looking for business partners in Shanghai
16.9.2013"I am proud to be a part of an event that showcases the expertise of Finnish companies and opens doors to the growing Chinese market. We will be bringing a diverse group of companies to Shanghai,...
Paula Risikko -
Potilaille oikeus hakeutua hoitoon muihin EU-maihin ja saada korvausta kustannu
12.9.2013The Government is proposing new legislation on cross-border health care. The legislation would put into effect the European Union's Directive on cross-border healthcare. The aim is to clarify the...
Riskiryhmiin kuuluvilla runsaasti terveyteen ja talouteen liittyviä ongelmia
22.8.2013Press release of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Kela, Kuopio Welfare Research Centre (KWRC) and Diaconia University of Applied Sciences
Petteri Tiippana named new Director General of STUK
8.8.2013The government today has named M.Sc. Petteri Tiippana as the new Director-General of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). The post is for a fixed term of three years.
Sote-uudistuksen väliraportti täsmentää hallituksen linjauksia
27.6.2013The preparatory committee for the act on the arranging of social welfare and health care services submitted its interim report to Minister of Health and Social Services Susanna Huovinen on 27 June....
Smoking and alcohol consumption among adolescents have decreased
26.6.2013Adolescents' smoking has further decreased in the past two years. Alcohol consumption and drunkenness-oriented drinking have also decreased, while there is a growing interest in electronic...
In future all national pensions are paid on the same day
19.6.2013Beginning from October this year, all those entitled to national pensions, front-veterans' supplements and front-veterans' additional supplements will be paid on the 7 th day of every month. At...
Finland leads the way in taking health into all policies
14.6.2013Press release from MSAH and THL
Susanna Huovinen -
Suomi on EU:n kolmanneksi tasa-arvoisin maa
13.6.2013The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) today published a new index for measuring gender equality in the EU. Finland finished in third place among the 27 member states, just behind Sweden...
Minister Huovinen: Harm caused by alcohol can be reduced
10.6.2013Use of alcohol and the harm caused by it have been successfully reduced in Finland in recent years through the cooperation of different branches of administration. For instance, through four...
Susanna Huovinen -
WHO:n terveyden edistämisen maailmankonferenssi Suomessa kesäkuussa
31.5.2013The Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) are co-organising the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion at Finlandia Hall in Helsinki on 10-14 June...
Minister Huovinen met the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General
29.5.2013The Finnish Minister of Health and Social Services Susanna Huovinen met the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Marta Santos-Pais on Wednesday 29 May. Minister Huovinen and...
Susanna Huovinen -
Minister Risikko attends the OECD Ministerial Conference in Paris
28.5.2013Minister of Social Affairs and Health Paula Risikko will lead Finland's delegation at the OECD Ministerial Conference in Paris on 29-30 May. One of the main themes to be discussed at the conference...
Paula Risikko