Projects at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
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The compelted projects and programmes can be found here:
Our projects
Sufficiency and availability of healthcare and social welfare personnel »
In accordance with Prime Minister Orpo's Government Programme, the Government wants to solve the shortage of healthcare and social welfare personnel threatening the availability of services of the welfare society. Both short-term and long-term measures are needed for solving this issue.
Social security reform »
Social security will be reformed during the ongoing parliamentary term through government projects and the work of the Social Security Committee. The aim of the social security reform is to make the social security system smoother and simpler, with more incentives for work.
Defining the principles for service choices in healthcare and social welfare »
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is preparing regulation on service choices in both healthcare and social welfare.
Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland »
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health contributes to coordinating the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland, which is funded from the one-off EU recovery instrument ‘NextGenerationEU’.
Personalised medicine »
Personalised medicine promotes the health and wellbeing of individuals by utilising research, new technologies and a wider range of information resources.
National Mental Health Strategy »
The starting point is the comprehensive approach of mental health in society and its different sectors and levels.
National Child Strategy »
The goal is a society that respects the rights of children. The National Child Strategy is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
National health and wellbeing programme Terveydeksi »
The programme seeks to reduce wellbeing deficit and disease burden, boost working and functional capacity, and minimise disparities between population groups due to issues of health and wellbeing.
RDI Growth Programme for Health and Wellbeing »
The aim of the Growth Programme for the Health and Wellbeing Sector is to support the wellbeing services counties in renewing themselves in order for them to better promote people’s health and wellbeing and improve the quality and availability of services.
Project on medicines and financial base of pharmacies »
The Government Programme includes numerous entries related to medicines and pharmacies. These entries will be implemented in a project titled ‘Medicines and the financial base of pharmacies’ in 2024–2026.
Työelämän kehittämisohjelmat »
Työelämähankkeiden tavoitteena on erityisesti työhyvinvoinnin, työkyvyn ja työelämän mielenterveyden edistäminen.