Rational pharmacotherapy

Rational, or sensible, pharmacotherapy is effective, safe, of high quality, cost-effective and equal.

Pharmacotherapy serves its purpose when a person takes the pharmaceuticals they need as prescribed at the correct time and the correct dose. The right approaches, the correct information and its dissemination enable medical professionals to get the patient’s medication right and reduce the use of unnecessary medicines.

The proper use of medicines benefits both patients and society. When unnecessary pharmaceuticals are taken out of use the patient’s treatment will succeed better and savings can be made. The rational use of medicines will increase society’s future savings in medicines in a new way.

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Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan

The Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan is one of the projects listed in the Government Programme of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s Government. On 18 January 2016, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health appointed a steering group for the Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan. The steering group’s term of office ended on 31 December 2017. The Action Plan was formulated by means of a network-like way of working.

The Rational Pharmacotherapy Action Plan was drawn up in a situation where the future health and social services structures and legislation guiding the organisation of services were in the process of being prepared. It was, however, appropriate to consider promoting rational pharmacotherapy in the forthcoming health and social services structures, too, and not only in the present context.

Publications relating to the Action Plan

The main objectives of the Action Plan related to the effectiveness, safety, quality and cost-efficiency of pharmaceutical treatments. In addition to these aspects, the aim of the programme was to promote the objectives set out in the Government Programme to narrow health disparities and manage costs.

Further information

Elina Asola, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Biotechnology and Medicines Unit / BILA Telephone:0295163437   Email Address:

Heidi Tahvanainen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Biotechnology and Medicines Unit / BILA Telephone:0295163329   Email Address:

Aleksi Westerholm, Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Biotechnology and Medicines Unit / BILA Telephone:0295163763   Email Address: