Read more about working at the ministry
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health employs approximately 440 people. Their jobs vary from Assistant to Permanent Secretary and from Specialist to Ministerial Adviser.
Tasks are challenging and versatile. The working environment is just hectic enough and the tasks are important in terms of society.
Comments on the ministry
Meaningful work
In the following videos, people working for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health tell about their work, backgrounds and careers. They told us about how the work in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health affects the everyday lives of Finns, the most extraordinary comment they’ve heard about the ministry and why it’s worth applying for a job here.
“The best possible services for people”
Senior Ministerial Adviser Merja Auero works on a daily basis to ensure that Finland has the best possible health and social services.
"Our ministry has the best value base, we are working to help people”
Senior Specialist Antti Hautaniemi points out that the people working at the ministry do more than just organise health and social services, and that there is no need to wear a tie or address anybody formally.
“A wide range of work“A wide range of work tasks and great people working here”
Coordinator Hanne Mäkitalo began as a secretary in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. She studied while working, took some study leave and completed her Master’s degree in Health Sciences.
“We have good employment benefits and teleworking opportunities”
Director Tanja Auvinen works to promote gender equality. In her opinion, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has good employment benefits and teleworking opportunities.
“The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is able to influence political challenges”
Director Jari Keinänen works on matters related to substance abuse and environmental health. Both topics concern the daily lives of people living in Finland.
Further information
Liisa Perttula, Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Human Resources and Administration Unit / HEHA Telephone:0295163521 Email Address: