- Frontpage
- Areas of expertise
- Promotion of welfare
- Legislation
- Health promotion
- Promoting participation
- Substance harm prevention
- Preventing violence and crime
- Environmental health
- Advisory Board for Public Health
- Social and health services
- Legislation
- Responsible agencies
- Social services
- Health services
- Primary health care
- Occupational health care
- Private health care
- Mental health services
- Services for substance abusers
- Hospitals and specialised medical care
- Urgent and emergency health services
- Client and patient safety
- Healthcare and social welfare for undocumented persons
- Termination of pregnancy
- Rehabilitation
- Pharmacotherapy
- Client and patient rights
- Client fees
- Social and health care personnel
- Children, youth and families
- Older people services
- Social security and services of asylum seekers in Finland
- Information management
- Income security
- Legislation
- Financial assistance for families with children
- Conscripts allowance
- Housing allowance
- Unemployment
- Sickness and rehabilitation
- Pensions
- Front veterans
- Social security for athletes, grant recipients and students
- Social assistance
- Social lending
- Support and benefits
- International social security
- Appealing income security decisions
- Occupational accidents and illnesses
- Insurance
- Working life
- Gender equality
- EU and international cooperation
- Preparedness
- Promotion of welfare
- Current issues
- Columns
- Projects and legislation
- National service reform
- Defining the principles for service choices in healthcare and social welfare
- Social security reform
- Mental health policy strategy
- Child Strategy
- RDI Growth Programme for Health and Wellbeing
- Reducing homelessness with better-targeted health and social services
- Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland
- The European Accessibility Act
- Personalized medicine
- Sufficiency and availability of healthcare and social welfare personnel
- National health and wellbeing programme Terveydeksi
- Completed projects
- Publications
- Ministry
- Task and objectives
- Management and organisation
- Minister of Social Affairs and Health
- Minister of Social Security
- Minister of Employment
- Senior Civil Servants
- Department for Steering of Healthcare and Social Welfare (OHO)
- Department for Insurance and Social Security (SVO)
- Department for Safety, Security and Health (TUTO)
- Department for Communities and Functional Capacity (YTO)
- Department for Clients and Services in Healthcare and Social Welfare (APO)
- Department for Work and Gender Equality (TTO)
- Strategic and Financial Management Unit (STAR)
- Human Resources and Administration Unit (HEHA)
- International Affairs Unit (KVY)
- Communications Unit (VIE)
- Responsibilities of ministers in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
- Strategy
- Administrative branch
- Preparedness
- International cooperation
- Economy and activities
- Forms
- STEA grants
- Expenditure
- Advisory boards and commitees
- The Ministry as a workplace
- Services
- History
- Whistleblower protection
- Contact