Services and support for people with disabilities
The principle is that public services are designed to suit everyone and public environments to be accessible. Services and support measures in accordance with the Disability Services Act are organised if a person with disabilities does not receive sufficient services and support measures meeting their needs under another Act.
Legislation on services for persons with disabilities
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for promoting the health and wellbeing of persons with disabilities, developing their healthcare and social welfare services, drafting legislation on these services and providing income security.
Services for persons with disabilities are governed by the Social Welfare Act, the Disability Services Act and the Act on Special Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.
- Social Welfare Act 1301/2014 (Finlex), in Finnish and SwedishLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- Disability Services Act 675/2023 (Finlex), in Finnish and SwedishLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- Act on Special Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 519/1977 (Finlex), in Finnish and SwedishLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
Wellbeing services counties have the main responsibility for implementing services for persons with disabilities
Wellbeing services counties have the main responsibility for implementing services for persons with disabilities. The services and support measures organised by wellbeing services counties under the Disability Services Act include:
- Coaching and training
- Personal assistance
- Special support for inclusion
- Supported decision-making
- Intensive multiprofessional support
- Housing support
- Housing support for a child
- Support for accessible housing
- Short-term care
- Day activities
- Work activities for persons with intellectual disabilities
- Services to support mobility
- Financial assistance for persons dependent on a ventilator
Wellbeing services counties can also organise other services and financial support measures that are necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the Act.
Responsibilities of other authorities in services for persons with disabilities
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) studies and develops services for persons with disabilities, and it also works to ensure that consideration is given to the needs of persons with disabilities and accessibility in society. In addition, the Institute maintains an Online Handbook on Disability Services, which is intended to support the work of professionals in the field.
The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies monitor the implementation and quality of services.
The Advisory Board for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (VANE) promotes the rights of persons with disabilities and cooperation between disability organisations and public authorities.