Other authorities’ responsibilities in the tobacco and nicotine policy
Valvira, the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (the market surveillance of the products and the surveillance of marketing bans), and municipalities (the surveillance of the entire Tobacco Act within the region of the municipality) are responsible for monito-ring the Tobacco Act. Valvira’s task is also to guide the surveillance of the Tobacco Act, for example, by preparing a national surveillance plan of the Tobacco Act.
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) are expert agencies in the work of reducing smoking.
- Tobacco (Valvira)Link to an external website
- Tobacco (THL)Link to an external website
- Smoke-free workplace (TTL)Link to an external website
The excise duty on tobacco products is separately laid down in the Finnish Act on Excise Duty on Tobacco Products, for which the Ministry of Finance is responsible.
Filters used in tobacco products belong to the scope of application of the Directive on sing-le-use plastics that is implemented in Finland by the Waste Act. The surveillance authority over the marking requirements and product bans of the Directive on single-use plastics is proposed in the Government Bill 40/2021 implementing the EU waste regulation package to be addressed to the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency Tukes.
- Restriction of the consumption of single-use plastics (the Ministry of the Environment)Link to an external website
- Single-use plastics (Tukes)Link to an external website
Further information
Reetta Honkanen, Senior Specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Wellbeing and Health Protection Unit / HYT Telephone:0295163684 Email Address: firstname.lastname@gov.fi