Value of lost labour input in Finland
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has estimated the minimum costs of lost labour input to the Finnish workplaces and society.
The costs of lost labour input rise to about 2 billion euros every month.
The cost of lost labour input per year
The cost of lost labour input
Absence due to illness | 3.4 billion € |
Working while ill | 3.4 billion € |
Disability pensions | 8.0 billion € |
Other costs related to the loss of labour input
Occupational accidents | 2–2.5 billion € |
Occupational diseases | 0.1 billion € |
Health care of working-age population | 7.8 billion € |
Total loss to national economy per year 24 billion €
Loss to national economy per month 2 billion €
When the losses to employers are known, the workplaces can, better than today, concentrate on both identifying the causes of costs and on decreasing the costs.
Accurate calculations of the costs
The Ministry used an employee's pay including non-wage labour costs as basis when calculating the lost labour input. The calculation methods are described in more detail in the memorandum below.
- Cost of lost labour inputFile opens in a new tab pdf 800kB
- Cost of lost labour input - abstractFile opens in a new tab pdf 314kB
Further information
Päivi Hämäläinen, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Work and Gender Equality / TTO, Policy Unit / TY Telephone:0295163590 Email Address: