Services for older people

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health sets the guidelines for developing services for older people, drafts the relevant legislation and guides the implementation of reforms.

Wellbeing services counties provide the health and social services that older people need. Their social security consists of health and social services and income security.

An information package on issues related to the life situation of and public services for older people and their families is available on the portal.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, together with the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, has published a quality recommendation that aims to guarantee a good quality of life and effective services for all older persons who need them.

Legislation on services and benefits for older people

Finnish law entitles people to healthcare and social welfare services primarily according to need, not according to the age of the person in particular.

Minimum staffing level for care personnel 

Since the beginning of 2025, the minimum staffing level for 24-hour services for older people has been 0.6 carers per client. 

The key objective of the statutory minimum staffing level is to secure the right of older people to indispensable care and sufficient health and social services and to implement the equality and inclusion of older people in society.

In 2020, an obligation for units providing 24-hour services for older people to have a minimum staffing level of 0.7 employees per client was added to the Act on Supporting the Functional Capacity of the Older Population and on Social and Health Services for Older Persons (also known as the Act on Care Services for Older Persons)

The provision on the minimum staffing level was due to enter into force in full after the transition period that ended on 1 April 2023. The provision  has been amended several times since its entry into force. 

As a result of the amendment (741/2024) that entered into force on 1 January 2025, the staffing level must be at least 0.6 employees per client.

Responsibilities of Valvira and THL regarding services for older people

The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) is the national supervisory authority for social welfare. It guides the Regional State Administrative Agencies to ensure uniform supervision of services for older people and related guidance throughout the country.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) produces information on services for older people and their functional capacity and prerequisites.

Further information

Satu Karppanen, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Communities and Functional Capacity / YTO, Functional Capacity Unit / TOK Telephone:0295163549   Email Address:

Seija Viljamaa, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Communities and Functional Capacity / YTO, Functional Capacity Unit / TOK Telephone:0295163609   Email Address: