Gambling system
The regulation of the provision of gambling services concerns the general organisation of this provision as well as the supply of gambling services in more detail. The general way how services are organised sets the framework for the implementation of more detailed measures. Legislation is a key instrument for regulating gambling services in both monopoly and licence-based systems.
The primary aim of the ongoing gambling system reform is to promote the use of the full potential of the system to prevent and reduce gambling-related harm. This need has been widely identified.
Monopoly model
The Finnish model is based on a monopoly run by a single state-owned company. It is permitted to run a monopoly system in the EU if this is justified on the grounds of public health, public policy or public security as stated in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In accordance with this principle, the primary objective for the Finnish gambling system is to prevent harm resulting from gambling. The system must also fulfil this objective in practice.
The Finnish monopoly model makes it possible for the State to provide legislative guidance. In addition, it provides the State with many other opportunities to guide and monitor the provision of gambling services and to promote the functioning of the system in accordance with the set objectives.
Further information
Mari Pajula, Senior Specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Wellbeing and Health Protection Unit / HYT Telephone:0295163040 Email Address: [email protected]