Legislation concerning income security
- Adequate social and health services
- Basic income security
- Essential subsistence and care.
There is a range of legislation governing entitlements to income security.
Some of these, shown by links, are available in English on the Finlex website.
Families with children
Maternity, paternity and parental allowances are covered by the Health Insurance Act (2004).
The Child Home Care and Private Care Allowance Act (1996) provides for children's home care costs, the care supplement and private care allowance.
Child benefit, maternity allowance and child maintenance allowance are covered by their respective acts.
The Military Allowance Act (1993) stipulates payments to people in military service or civil alternative service and their families.
Housing support is provided for by the following legislation: Housing Allowance Act (1975), Act Concerning the Housing Allowance for Pensioners (2007), and the Act on Financial Aid for Students (1994).
Legislation on unemployment security includes the Unemployment Security Act (2002), the Act on Public Employment Services (2002) and the Act on Rehabilitative Work (2001).
Sickness and rehabilitation
The daily allowance paid due to sickness is determined by the Sickness Insurance Act of 2004. This law also regulates the provision of maternity, paternity and family daily allowance, and in part family.
The accident insurance legislation covers compensation for loss of earnings due to workplace accidents or occupational disease for employees and farmers: Employment Accidents Act 608/1948 and the Farmers' Accident Insurance Act (1981).
Disability and long-term sickness benefits are covered by the Disability Benefits Act (2007)
Income security for people undergoing rehabilitation is covered by the Social Insurance Institution's Rehabilitation Benefits Act (2005).
There is a wide range of legislation on pensions:
Employees Pensions Act (2006), Self-Employed Person's Pensions Act (2006), Farmers' Pensions Act (2006), State Employees Pensions Act (2006), Local Government Employees Pensions Act (2003), Evangelical-Lutheran Church Pensions Act (2008), Seaman Pensions Act (2006), Pensions Act for Artists and Certain Other Employee Groups (1985), National Pensions Act (2007), and the Pension Guarantee Act (2010).
The Act on Financial Aid for Students (1994) covers the regulation of student grants, housing allowance and the state guarantee for student loans.
The adult education allowance is included in legislation on the Act on Adult Education (2000), and the Act on the Financing of Training (2002) covers the provision of grants for vocational qualifications.
Social assistance
Regulated by the Act on Social Assistance (1997).
Social lending
Regulated by the Act on Social Lending (2002).