Tobacco and nicotine policy
The goal has been confirmed in the Finnish Tobacco Act.
Tobacco and nicotine policy refers to measures that
- prevent the initiation of the use of tobacco and related products and the emergence of nicotine addiction
- promote the cessation of the use of tobacco and related products
- protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke
Smoking is the single greatest health hazard and a key reason for health gaps between different population groups. Tobacco products are not normal consumer goods. They cause and maintain difficult addiction and contain substances that are toxic to humans.
Reducing smoking is an efficient way to improve health.
Tobacco Act
The main vehicle of the tobacco policy is legislation, in particular the Tobacco Act. The Tobacco Act implements the Tobacco Products Directive (EU) and has been in force since 15 August 2016.
In addition to tobacco products, the Tobacco Act applies to tobacco substitutes, tobacco imitations, smoking accessories as well as electronic cigarettes and nicotine-containing liquids.
The Tobacco Act regulates the following:
- requirements and notifications concerning tobacco products
- unit packets
- import restrictions
- display bans
- smoking prohibition and restrictions
- direction, supervision and sanctions.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for the general direction and guidance of compliance with the Tobacco Act and the provisions issues under it.
How to end the use of tobacco and nicotine products in Finland by 2030
A working group appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health proposed measures to end the use of tobacco and nicotine products in Finland by 2030. The report was published on 31 January 2023.
- MSAH's pressrelease 31.1.2023: Working group proposals on how to make Finland tobacco-free by 2030
Further information
Reetta Honkanen, Senior Specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Wellbeing and Health Protection Unit / HYT Telephone:0295163684 Email Address: