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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organisation of developed market-based economies with 37 member countries.

Finland’s work with the OECD primarily involves the responsible officials from various ministries. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health participates in the work of:

  • the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee
  • the Insurance Committee and the Health Committee
  • the working groups under the above committees.

The organisation’s objectives are:

  • to promote economic growth and employment
  • to increase economic and social wellbeing
  • to promote the functioning of the system of international trade
  • to support the development of countries that are not members of the organisation.

OECD produces analyses and country reviews on various areas of society and issues policy recommendations. It produces internationally comparable statistics and databases, such as OECD Health Data and the Social Expenditure Database.

One significant and topical area of OECD-related work in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s administrative branch is the Centre on Wellbeing, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal opportunity (WISE), which was established in 2020 to address issues related to the economy of wellbeing, inclusive growth, and sustainable and equal development. The centre’s main objective is to put people’s wellbeing at the top of the agenda. Its activities combine work related to statistics and indicators, and policy recommendations.

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