Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen

The National Coalition Party

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen is responsible for matters covered by the Department for Insurance and Social Security, the Department for Work and Gender Equality and the Department for Safety, Security and Health. However, she is not responsible for matters related to unemployment security and adult education within the Department for Insurance and Social Security, because these matters fall under the responsibility of Minister of Employment Arto Satonen. Grahn-Laasonen is also responsible for social assistance matters within the Department for Insurance and Social Security.

Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen is responsible for the following matters

Biotechnology and medicines

  • biobanks 
  • gene technology
  • processing of genomic data
  • legislation on organs and tissues
  • pharmaceutical services
    • production, wholesale and retail sale of medicines
    • medicine reimbursement system
    • compulsory stockpiling 
  • medical research (research legislation)
  • medical devices
  • Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board

Pensions and private insurances

  • insurance against occupational accidents and diseases, motor liability insurance and patient insurance
  • earnings-related pension and national pension
  • insurance market and regulation of insurance activities

Benefits and allowances

  • adoption grant
  • residence-based social security
  • child maintenance allowance
  • housing allowance for pensioners
  • rehabilitation organised by the Social Insurance Institution Kela and Kela rehabilitation allowance 
  • childcare allowances
  • child benefits
  • social security issues related to immigration
  • front veteran’s supplement, veteran badges, rehabilitation of disabled veterans’ spouses and front-line allowance for foreign volunteer front-line soldiers
  • health insurance (daily allowances and reimbursements)
    • reimbursements for medicines
    • reimbursements for travel expenses
    • reimbursements for medical expenses
    • sickness allowances
    • employer’s funds
    • reimbursements for organising occupational healthcare
    • allowances for parents during family leaves
  • conscript’s allowance
  • military injuries indemnities
  • free-of-charge treatments under the Communicable Diseases Act and the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare
  • social assistance
  • disability benefits
  • general housing allowance
  • maternity grants

Protection of health and wellbeing

  • alcohol, drug and tobacco policy and harm resulting from gambling
  • substance abuse prevention
  • national vaccination programme and vaccine procurement
  • prevention of home and leisure injuries
  • family violence and violence against women
  • prevention of communicable diseases
  • health protection (incl. chemicals legislation and radiation safety)
  • environmental healthcare

Farm relief services

  • livestock farming, reindeer herding and fur farming

Gender equality

  • equal pay
  • gender equality legislation
  • gender equality policy

Healthy and safe workplaces

  • occupational safety and health
  • occupational healthcare
  • operation and funding of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
  • supervision of the Finnish Work Environment Fund and confirmation of its rules

Preparedness and readiness 

  • matters which the Preparedness Unit is responsible for preparing (incl. emergency medical helicopter services)

General matters

  • data protection
  • Social Security Appeal Board (performance guidance)

Minister of Employment Arto Satonen is responsible for matters related to unemployment security, adult education benefits and the job alternation leave system. The matters related to unemployment security also include matters related to the Employment Fund and the funding of unemployment benefits.

Each minister addresses the particular matters concerning EU and international affairs, appointments and human resources that fall within their areas of responsibility. Within their respective areas, ministers also oversee financial planning and the preparation of budgets and other matters.


Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, born on 4 May 1983 in Forssa, has served as a Member of Parliament since 2011 and as a minister in three governments. She served as Minister of Education in 2017–2019, as Minister of Education and Culture in 2015–2017 and as Minister of the Environment in 2014–2015.

Grahn-Laasonen holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences. During her political career, she has also served as deputy party leader of the National Coalition Party and held numerous positions of trust, such as the chair of the County Council of the Kanta-Häme Wellbeing Services County and the chair of the board of the New Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Grahn-Laasonen is a member of Forssa City Council.

Prior to her election to Parliament, Grahn-Laasonen worked as a journalist, Stockholm correspondent and news editor as well as Press Attaché to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

She lives with her husband and two children. In her free time, Grahn-Laasonen enjoys many kinds of cultural activities and outdoor pursuits, and she likes to read and visit second-hand shops.

Personal details

Member of Parliament
The National Coalition Party
Date and place of birth: 4.5.1983 Forssa
Domicile: Forssa

Minister of Social Security 20.6.2023 -

Days in office 2349
Previous ministerial duties

Curriculum vitae and work in ParliamentLink to an external website

Contact details