Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s principles of a safer space

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health adheres to the principles of a safer space. The safer space principles refer to common practices and approaches that aim to make a space psychosocially as safe as possible for all members of a community. A space is also understood broadly, and it means not only a physical workplace but also a virtual space, for example. 

The safer space principles of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health are as follows: 

We treat each other well

  • We behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards one another.
  • We show appreciation for each other’s work and know-how.  

We promote the equality of all people through our actions

  • We take into account that everyone is different. We do not make assumptions based on people’s gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, native language, religion, disability, health or other background factors.
  • We are willing to learn something new from other people’s experiences.
  • We use respectful and appropriate language when talking about individuals and groups.

We take responsibility for a good working atmosphere and our own behaviour

  • We speak and write to each other politely. 
  • We give feedback in an appropriate and respectful manner.
  • We address any inappropriate behaviour we observe. 

We guide and manage responsibly

  • We set an example through our own good behaviour and conduct when acting as chairs, team leaders, supervisors, facilitators and other persons assigned with responsibilities.
  • As supervisors, we intervene immediately in any inappropriate conduct we observe. 

The benefits of a safer workplace include

  • Everyone’s ideas can be put to use – no-one is afraid to bring their ideas and thoughts to the discussion.
  • Job satisfaction and wellbeing at work improve.
  • If we get things wrong, we put them right and learn from our mistakes. We do not hide or downplay our mistakes. 
  • Cooperation is smoother.

The principles of a safer space are intended to be used in all activities organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. We hope that everyone taking part in our activities will commit to these common principles. 

Further information

Aino Tuovinen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Human Resources and Administration Unit / HEHA Telephone:0295163420   Email Address: