Act on care services for the elderly to ensure high standard of quality nationwide
27.12.2012The Act on Care Services for Older People (full name: Act on Supporting the Functional Capacity of the Ageing Population and on Social and Health Care Services for Older People) enters into force...
Suomi ratifioi suuronnettomuuksien torjuntaa koskevan sopimuksen
21.12.2012Finland has today ratified the International Labour Organization ILO's Convention on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents. The President of the Republic also approved the bill that carries...
European Commission proposes improvements to consumer protection for insurance policyholders
8.11.2012The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a directive revision intended to improve consumer protection in the insurance industry. The purpose of the proposal is not only to improve...
Vanhuspalvelulailla turvataan laadukkaita palveluita iäkkäille koko maassa
8.11.2012The Government has adopted a Bill for an Act intended to ensure that elderly people will receive care and treatment according to their individual needs and on an equal basis nationwide through...
Know your medication: Pharmacotherapy Day encourages people to ask more about medicines
6.11.2012Finland's first ever Pharmacotherapy Day will be held on 6 November. The purpose of this national theme day is to activate patients to pay attention to their pharmacotherapy and to ask health care...
Paula Risikko -
Työryhmä: Suomeen ja Suomesta muuttavan sosiaaliturvaa selkeytettävä
19.10.2012The working group investigating the revision of residence-based social security legislation (known as the Solmu IV' working group) submitted its final report to Paula Risikko, Minister for Social...
Know your meds! - Finland celebrates National Medicines Day on 6 November 2012
12.10.2012The National Medicines Day is a nationwide awareness-raising campaign for Finnish prescription drug patients and health care professionals. The National Medicines Day is celebrated for the first...
Paula Risikko -
Minister Risikko: Finland needs to be better prepared for the ageing of the population
5.10.2012A variety of tangible measures are needed to prepare for changes in the population pyramid. Paula Risikko, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, has set up a working group of experts to explore...
Paula Risikko -
New concept for boosting employment rates among the partially incapacitated
4.10.2012Many partially incapacitated individuals still struggle to find their place in the labour market. Many retire from the labour market at an early age and others have never been employed.
Paula Risikko -
EU ministers to discuss electromagnetic fields and employment
3.10.2012The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) will convene in Luxembourg on 4 October. Finland will be represented at the meeting by Paula Risikko, Minister of Social...
Päivi Sillanaukee appointed as new Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
27.9.2012During her long career, Ms Sillanaukee has held various development and management positions within the public administration. The most prominent ones include serving as Deputy Mayor of the City of...
Työryhmä selvittämään lastensuojelun toimintakäytäntöjä
5.9.2012The Minister of Health and Social Services Maria Guzenina-Richardson has set up a working group to consider the effectiveness of the Child Welfare Act, child welfare practices and whether the...
Maria Guzenina-Richardson -
Toimintaohjelmalla tuetaan työtä tyttöjen ympärileikkausten estämiseksi
30.8.2012All forms of female genital mutilation are a breach of human rights. Such mutilation is a form of vio-lence prohibited by the Criminal Code of Finland. For nearly two decades, efforts have been...
Muuntohuumeiden tehokkaampaa kieltämistä halutaan selvittää
16.8.2012There is demand for an exploration of whether designer drugs could be banned by substance group. Under current Finnish law, it is only possible to classify individual substances as prohibited...
Minister Risikko: Finland to be a more age-friendly society
8.8.2012The Finnish Minister of Social Affairs and Health Paula Risikko undertakes to prepare an action programme for a Finland that will be ageing sustainably.
Paula Risikko -
Solariumeissa käynnit kielletään alle 18-vuotiailta
14.6.2012In Finland solarium use is prohibited for people under the age of 18. Producers of solarium services are obliged to ensure that young people are not allowed to use solarium equipment and thus be...
Veropolitiikka ja syrjäytyminen mukana hallituksen uudessa tasa-arvo-ohjelmassa
14.6.2012The Finnish Government is examining the effects of taxation and transfer payments on the economic equality of women and men. Exclusion and health differences will also be examined as gender...
Paavo Arhinmäki -
An Agreement on Social Security between Finland and India
12.6.2012Finland and India signed an Agreement on Social Security between the countries on Tuesday 12 June in New Delhi. The Agreement affects the social security of people moving between Finland and India...
Nordic Social Security Convention to be renewed
12.6.2012The Ministries of Social Affairs and Health of the Nordic countries signed a new Nordic Social Security Convention in Bergen in Norway on 12 June.
Paula Risikko -
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health phone numbers have changed
29.5.2012The phone numbers of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health have changed to numbers beginning with 0295. With this reform, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health joins the central...