Preparation for family leave reform starting

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will start preparing the family leave reform this autumn. According to the Government Programme, an ambitious family leave reform that supports the wellbeing of families will be implemented together with the social partners.
“The aim is an equal division of family leaves and care responsibilities between both parents in families, stronger non-discrimination and equality in the world of work, and reduced pay disparities between the sexes,” says Minister of Social Affairs and Health Aino-Kaisa Pekonen.
“The Government Programme also states that families will have more opportunities for choice and flexibility in taking family leave, and diversity of family lives and self-employment will be taken into account.”
Preparations for the reform will primarily be made by public officials in a tripartite, unofficial working group. Members are invited from ministries, the Social Insurance Institution Kela and labour market organisations. The group is expected to make a preliminary draft of the reform in accordance with the Government Programme.
Child and family organisations as well as stakeholders in the fields of equality and non-discrimination will be consulted during the preparation process. The forms of participation will be specified later.
The reform is scheduled to come into force in 2021 at the earliest.
Liisa Siika-aho, Director, tel. +358 295 163 085