National vaccination strategy to be updated

With a view to the need to enhance the population’s vaccination coverage in line with the epidemiological situation in autumn 2021, Finland’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy will be updated. Vaccines are the most effective way to protect the population from the COVID-19 disease and to curb the coronavirus epidemic. Vaccines are available free of charge to all those who want them and who have no health-related impediment to being vaccinated.
In its plenary session on 25 November 2021, the Government adopted a Government resolution on a vaccination strategy. The strategy outlines the main principles of vaccination, and it is based on medical science and research evidence.
In line with the Government’s hybrid strategy to manage the COVID-19 epidemic, vaccinations can keep society open and make it possible to engage in different activities in society. Vaccination also reduces the number of COVID-19 cases and ensures that the capacity and availability of healthcare services remains adequate.
The high incidence of COVID-19 cases among those who have not yet been vaccinated also means that there is a mounting risk of those who have been vaccinated to fall ill, and vaccination coverage in Finland is currently not high enough to curb the spread of the epidemic. The vaccination coverage also varies between regions and population groups.
Updated objectives for the vaccination strategy
To increase vaccination coverage and achieve the objectives, we must
- increase the percentage of people who have received two vaccine doses in the population by focusing effective measures especially on those population groups and areas where shortcomings have been identified in the vaccination coverage
- strengthen the vaccination coverage of the population by enhancing the provision of a third round of vaccine doses
- prepare for vaccination of children under the age of 12
- assess and, if necessary, prepare legislative amendments to ensure patient safety.
The vaccination strategy is temporary and in force until 30 June 2022. The strategy will be updated in spring 2022 when new monitoring data on the epidemiological situation, vaccination coverage and the effects of vaccinations become available.
EU's contribution to global vaccine solidarity
To curb the pandemic and to ensure the health security of the EU itself, it is important that all countries receive vaccines as soon as they are available. Finland is taking part in donating vaccines acquired by the EU to third countries, particularly through the COVAX Facility.
Taneli Puumalainen, Director General, Department for Safety, Security and Health, firstname.lastname@gov. fi