Call for applications open: expanding service voucher pilot projects

Regions piloting service vouchers have now an opportunity to expand their pilot projects.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has started a process where regions can apply for discretionary government transfers in order to expand their pilots.
Even new regions can apply for a service voucher pilot project.
Through service voucher pilot projects, regions can pilot client’s freedom of choice within the limits of the current service voucher legislation. Service voucher piloting is also known as freedom of choice pilot projects.
A region can receive a government transfer if the Ministry approves the project plan presented by the region.
The expanded service voucher pilot projects and new pilot projects will go on from 1 December 2017 till 31 December 2018. Service voucher pilots can even continue in 2019 in a manner to be specified later.
Expanding service voucher pilot projects
Regions can expand their service voucher pilots by increasing the population base for the pilot project or by offering more services in the pilot. Even new regions can apply for a service voucher pilot project.
It is also possible to expand a pilot project by introducing the use of personal budgets. In addition, regions can introduce freedom of choice for oral health services to their pilot project.
Pilot projects can be expanded geographically to cover, for example, a whole town or more municipalities or joint municipal authorities in the region than before.
Application guidance
Regions can send their electronic application forms to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to the following address: [email protected]. A project plan, budget and other necessary documents shall be attached to the application.
Detailed application instructions can be viewed (in Finnish and Swedish) at
The deadline for applications is 31 October 2017 at 4.15 p.m.
Anne Kumpula, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, tel. +358 295 163 705, [email protected]
Kari Hakari, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, tel +358 295 163 156, [email protected]
Vuokko Lehtimäki, Project Manager, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, tel. +358 295 163 256, [email protected]