EU health ministers to discuss new EU health programme on 12 June

At the invitation of the Croatian Presidency, the EU health ministers will meet to discuss a new EU-wide health programme via videoconference on Friday 12 June. Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru will represent Finland at the meeting.
At the meeting, the ministers will discuss the new EU4Health programme for 2021–2027. The proposed programme is connected to the COVID-19 recovery plan announced by the Commission on 27 May 2020.
The health ministers will also be briefed by the Commission on the state of play on developing a COVID-19 vaccine and on securing the production and distribution of the vaccine in the EU.
Finland’s preliminary position on the health programme is positive
The European Commission published its updated proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 on 28 May. It includes a proposal for a new health programme called EU4Health.
According to its preliminary position, Finland welcomes the Commission’s proposal for the health programme. Finland’s positions will be further specified as the discussions proceed.
Finland considers it important that the new health programme emphasises the promotion of people’s wellbeing and health and the reduction of health gaps in line with the Health in All Policies approach. This focus is important alongside measures supporting comprehensive security, preparedness and resilience to crises, the need for which has been further highlighted by the COVID-19 situation.
More information is still needed on issues related to the allocation of financing, Member States' decision-making power and influence, the proposed indicators and certain questions concerning competence.
The health ministers will also hear an overview of developments in the health sector during the Croatian Presidency. The German Presidency will present the programme for its term at the beginning of July.
Veli-Mikko Niemi, Director-General, [email protected]
Sari Muorinen, Senior Specialist, [email protected]