Amending the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is preparing a government proposal for amending the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (555/2019). The Act will be amended in line with the objectives of the Government Programme.

The secondary use means that client and register data in healthcare and social welfare are used for purposes such as scientific research, development and innovation activities, and teaching. The Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data entered into force on 1 May 2019. 

The legislative project aims to create an attractive operating environment for domestic and international actors in the fields of research, development and innovation while also safeguarding the rights, privacy and safety of people. The amendments to the Act will also promote the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s Growth Programme for the Health and Wellbeing Sector.

Working group appointed to assess problem areas and compile proposals for amendments
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has appointed a working group for the legislative project for the period 22 August 2024–28 February 2026. It has also divided the working group’s work into phases. The task of the working group is to identify and assess problems related to the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data and to compile proposals for measures to correct them. In the second phase of the project, the working group will also compile proposals for clarifying other research legislation. 

The draft government proposal will be prepared in autumn 2024, and it is scheduled to be circulated for comments in early 2025. The aim is to submit the government proposal to Parliament in autumn 2025 at the latest.

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