Government proposes extending validity of provisions of Communicable Diseases Act concerning entry into country to ensure health security

The Government has submitted to Parliament a proposal for extending the validity of the temporary provisions of the Communicable Diseases Act concerning entry into the country. The provisions aim to protect the health of the population by preventing COVID-19 infections of foreign origin from spreading into Finland. Health security measures similar to those proposed by the Government are in place in many EU countries.
People arriving in Finland (those born in 2005 or earlier) would still be required to have a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 within the past six months, of a completed and approved vaccine course or of a negative COVID-19 test taken before arrival in Finland. Those who have a certificate of a reliable COVID-19 test taken before arrival in Finland indicating a negative result or a certificate of their first COVID-19 vaccine dose should undergo a second test within 72-120 hours of their entry into the country. Alternatively, people should undergo a COVID-19 test after arriving in Finland and a second test within 72–120 hours of their arrival.
The obligation to show proof or be tested for COVID-19 would not apply to people who have, for the last 14 days prior to their arrival in Finland, stayed only in countries or regions where the incidence of COVID-19 or the prevalence of virus variants does not pose a particular risk of spreading the epidemic. Provisions on such countries and regions are issued by government decree.
The Government also proposes that a supplementary provision on executive existence be permanently added to the Communicable Diseases Act. The provision would include Customs as an executive assistance authority. This amendment would enable Customs to provide executive assistance in checking health certificates.
The corresponding provisions of the Communicable Diseases Act will remain in force until 15 October 2021, and the now proposed amendments would extend their validity. The amended Act would enter into force on 16 October 2021, and the temporary provisions of the Act would remain in force until 31 December 2021.
The government proposal issued to Parliament today also includes a proposal on the nationwide use of the EU Digital COVID Certificate, or the COVID-19 passport.
Taneli Puumalainen, Director General,
Maija Neva, Lawyer,