Project on medicines and financial base of pharmacies 

The Government Programme includes numerous entries related to medicines and pharmacies. These entries will be implemented in a project titled ‘Medicines and the financial base of pharmacies’ in 2024–2026. Separate working groups will be appointed to support the project and related development measures. The project focuses on the following:

  • financial base of pharmacies and regulation governing pharmacies
  • assessment of medicines
  • guidance of pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical services
  • digitalisation and information management in pharmacotherapy and the distribution of medicines 
  • availability of medicines.

The project on medicines and the financial base of pharmacies will continue the long-term development of pharmaceutical matters that extends beyond government terms. The aim of developing pharmaceutical matters is to improve the effectiveness, safety and quality of pharmacotherapies, with due regard to economy, equality and availability. Structural reforms also aim to improve the sustainability of general government finances. 

Project on medicines and financial base of pharmacies consists of four sets of objectives. These packages will promote not only the achievement of the objectives set for rational pharmacotherapy but also the availability of medicines.

Developing the assessment of medicines

With regard to outpatient and institutional care, the assessment processes and criteria related to the introduction of medicines will be harmonised and reformed, as outlined in the Government Programme. This way they will be uniform regardless of how the medicine is administered. The publicly funded range of medicines will be determined on medical grounds based on evidence and cost-effectiveness assessments.

Developing the financial base of pharmacies and the distribution of medicines

In accordance with the Government Programme, the regulation governing pharmacies will be reformed in a responsible and gradual manner while ensuring high-quality and safe pharmacy services throughout Finland. The role of pharmacies as part of the healthcare system and their important role in the successful pharmacotherapy of patients will be recognised. The aim of the reform is to organise the retail distribution system for medicines in a more cost-effective manner than at present. In addition, automated dose dispensing will be further developed, the conditions for price competition in medicines will be improved and the wastage of medicines and pharmaceutical waste will be diminished, as outlined in the Government Programme.  

Developing information management and digital tools

This development work will be continued to promote better access to information and its timely and secure use, as outlined in the Government Programme. The key projects include continuing the deployment of the Kanta medication list, incl. specifying and implementing the operating model and further improving the Pharmaceutical Database and the pharmaceutical information resource. The national work supports the development of better digital tools and services that meet the needs of both healthcare and social welfare professionals and people using medicines. These objectives support, for example, the realisation of safe and successful pharmacotherapy and the streamlining of pharmacy services and work.  

Developing the guidance of pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical services

In line with the Government Programme, guidance in the fields of pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical services will be developed consistently as part of the entire service structure within healthcare and social welfare. The aim is to improve national guidance regarding the pharmaceutical market, the distribution of medicines and the use of medicines and to support the arrangement of guidance at the regional level. 

Further information

Lauri Pelkonen, Chief Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO Telephone:0295163218   Email Address:

Heidi Tahvanainen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Biotechnology and Medicines Unit / BILA Telephone:0295163329   Email Address:

Aleksi Westerholm, Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Biotechnology and Medicines Unit / BILA Telephone:0295163763   Email Address:

Riikka Vuokko, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Steering of Healthcare and Social Welfare / OHO, Digitalisaation ja tiedonhallinnan yksikkö DITI Telephone:0295163600   Email Address: