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Nordic cooperation

Nordic cooperation involves Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

The vision of the Nordic countries is to make the Nordic region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. The vision will be realised by focusing on three strategic priorities: a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region and a socially sustainable Nordic Region. 

The Nordic Council of Ministers is an intergovernmental cooperation body, which seeks Nordic solutions wherever and whenever the countries can achieve more together than by working on their own.

The Nordic Council of Ministers consists of ministers and public officials representing the Nordic governments. The prime ministers bear overall responsibility for the Council of Ministers.

In practice, the responsibility is delegated to the ministers for Nordic cooperation and to the Nordic Committee for Cooperation, which coordinates the day-to-day work. The Secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers is based in Copenhagen.

The Nordic Council of Ministers consists of several councils. Matters that fall under the administrative branch of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health include:

  • health and social affairs
  • gender equality and sexual and gender minorities jointly with the Ministry of Justice
  • occupational safety and health
  • food

Cooperation on health and social affairs is coordinated by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs. Cooperation on gender equality and on sexual and gender minorities (LGBTI) is coordinated by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality and LGBTI. 
Nordic cooperation on health and social affairs promotes:

  • equal treatment of citizens
  • solidarity in society
  • availability of basic public services
  • service quality and safety   


Nordic cooperation on gender equality and LGBTI promotes:

  • equality and equal treatment in the Nordic societies
  • equal sharing between women and men of caring responsibilities, power and opportunities to exercise influence
  • realisation of equal rights, obligations and opportunities for women and men in all areas of society and in all life stages
  • eradication of gender-based violence
  • active participation of men in promoting equality
  • prevention of marginalisation of LGBTI persons
  • inclusion of LGBTI persons
  • active citizenship of gay, bisexual, trans and intersex persons in our societies

For more than forty years, official Nordic cooperation on gender equality has sought to make the Nordic countries one of the most equal regions in the world. In 2020, cooperation on gender equality was officially supplemented with a new area, cooperation on LGBTI matters. 

Sweden holds the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2024. The Swedish Presidency's priority areas in health and social affairs include preventive action to promote public health, crisis preparedness in healthcare, and social insurance matters. 

Nordic agreements

Nordic social security and social service agreements have been drafted in cooperation between the Nordic countries. The agreements facilitate the free movement of Nordic citizens in the region.

The agreement on a common Nordic labour market for certain personnel groups in the healthcare and veterinary sectors facilitates the exchange of data related to the mobility of professionals and patient safety between the Nordic countries.

Under the Nordic Public Health Preparedness Agreement, the Nordic countries have committed to cooperate in providing healthcare and social welfare in case of emergencies and disasters, taking into account their national needs. Among other things, the countries are committed to informing each other of measures taken, developing cooperation in the field, and exchanging information on changes to their preparedness systems. They are also committed to otherwise promoting cooperation by eliminating obstacles included in national legislation, exchanging experiences and engaging in cooperation on training and exercises.

In March 2022, the Nordic ministers for health signed a joint declaration in Stavanger to strengthen health crisis preparedness in the Nordic Region.

Further information

Maria Waltari, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, International Affairs Unit (KVY) Telephone:0295163337   Email Address:

Mia Mäkinen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, International Affairs Unit (KVY) Telephone:0295163075   Email Address: