Social policy trends shaped on work activation and reform
The MSAH’s recently released publication Trends in Social Protection 2003 frames the main issues in Finnish social policy set down in the current government programme, the Ministry’s strategy to 2010 and by its SOMERA working group dealing with social spending.
The main policy aims centre around work activation to boost employment and ensure that people remain longer in working life. One goal of the government is to ensure that 100,000 more people gain employment during its term of office.
Measures focus on developing people’s working capacity, the reform of working life, tackling social exclusion and long-term unemployment and the reform of the health and social sectors. These last areas focus especially on improvements to services arranged at municipal level.
Further information:
Mr Rolf Myhrman, Ministerial Counsellor, Financial Affairs , tel. +358-9-1607 3831
Mr Kari Gröhn, Senior Research Officer, tel. +358-9-1607 3838