Parliament receives Union communication on Commission proposal for directive establishing European Disability Card and Parking Card for persons with disabilities
Today, on 19 October 2023, the Government submitted to Parliament a Union communication on the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a new European Disability Card and an improved European Parking Card for persons with disabilities in all Member States.
The objective of the Commission’s proposal is to facilitate the right of persons with disabilities to move freely by making sure they can, on an equal basis, access special conditions, preferential treatment and parking rights when visiting another Member State. Now the Parking Card is based on a recommendation and its implementation varies from country to country.
The European Disability Card would serve as proof of a recognised disability status across all EU Member States, granting equal access to special conditions and preferential treatment in certain public and private services, such as transport, cultural events and museums. However, national public authorities or private operators could determine as to whether to grant special conditions and preferential treatment . The eligibility criteria for obtaining a Disability Card and Parking Card would also be defined nationally.
Finland has been one of the pilot countries in introducing the Disability Card and has taken a proactive role in influencing the content of the initiative. The Government is in favour of introducing the Disability Card in all Member States, but in such a way that the details concerning the implementation of the Card can be specified nationally.
Tea Hoffrén, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 163 220, [email protected]
Union communications are prepared on those matters to be decided by the EU which, due to their content, would fall within the competence of Parliament if Finland were not a member of the EU. The communication describes the essential content of the EU’s proposal and the Government’s position on the matter.