Ombudsman for Children starts work
Former MP Maria Kaisa Aula has started work as Finland’s first Ombudsman for Children, based in the city of Jyväskylä.
The Ombudsman is an independent post operating in conjunction with the MSAH to promote children’s interests and rights in society.
The Ombudsman also collaborates with other official bodies and with various organisations, and monitors the living conditions of children and youth, legislation and public decision making. She also assesses the application of child and youth rights and welfare in Finnish society.
The Ombudsman can make initiatives and offer advice and guidance on child and youth affairs. She also maintains contacts with children and youth and conveys information from them to decision makers. The Ombudsman also promotes the carrying out of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Ombudsman does not, however, deal with individual cases concerning children and families, such as matters concerning care orders or custody, which are handled by social services and the courts.
Maria Kaisa Aula started work as Ombudsman 1 September, assisted by departmental secretary Pirkko-Liisa Rautio. The Ombudsman’s office is located in the same premises as the Jyväskylä Regional Service Unit of the provincial Administration for West Finland.
Contacts to the Ombudsman can be made via the MSAH switchboard, by email at lapsiasiavaltuutettu@stm.fiLink to an external website or by writing to:
Office of the Ombudsman for Children
PL 41, 40101 JYVÄSKYLÄ
Tel: Maria Kaisa Aula (09) 160 73985 and Pirkko-Liisa Rautio (09) 160 73986.