National archiving planned for patient e-records
The ministerial body implementing the information society programme decided in March that a national body should maintain electronic patient record archiving. The Social Insurance Institution (Kela) will be responsible for carrying out the work, which will be specified by new legislation concerning the handling of electronic patient records.
The new law on the electronic processing of data concerning social and healthcare clients is expected to come into force at the beginning of next year. In addition to defining Kela’s role in the work, the new law will define the terms of the national data system services and the responsibilities of healthcare units in using them. The new law will also regulate the technological solutions to be used by municipalities, municipal groupings and the private sector in handling electronic data.
Further information: Mr Pentti Itkonen, Senior Planning Officer, tel. +358 9 160 73880 or +358 50 387 7600, Ms Annakaisa Iivari, Project Manager tel. +358 9 160 74443 or +358 40 749 3225, Ms Päivi Salo, Ministerial Counceller, Legal Affairs tel. +358 9 160 74130 or +358 50 364 7597