Healthcare fee for higher education students set at EUR 73.60 for 2023
The healthcare fee charged from higher education students for using student healthcare services will be EUR 73.60, or EUR 36.80 per term, in 2023. Compared to 2022, the fee will increase by EUR 2 to improve the availability of services. The late payment fee and the charge for an unattended appointment will remain unchanged.
The fee charged for paying the healthcare fee after the due date, i.e. the late payment fee, will be EUR 5 and the charge for an unattended appointment EUR 40 in 2023.
In future, the healthcare fee will not be charged from degree students coming from other EU or EEA countries, Switzerland or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Their right to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service will continue as before. The costs for using student healthcare services will in future be charged from the state responsible for the student’s medical care.
The Government issued a decree on the matter on 17 November 2022.
Arja Ruponen, Ministerial Adviser, [email protected]
Titta Honkala, Legal Adviser, [email protected]
Government Decree on Student Healthcare Fees for Higher Education Students in 2023 (available in Finnish and Swedish)