Further steps toward new disability policy
A government report issued to Parliament stresses that responsibility for carrying out policy concerning people with disabilities lies with all areas of government. Government in turn acts to provide local authorities and the private sector with the main course of policy, but it is these sectors that are crucial in carrying out measures ensuring equality for people with disabilities.
The report concerns the first government disability policy lines to be carried out, aside from the rules and procedures set by legislation. The government affirmed the policy 11 May, and it was put to Parliament 16 May.
The policy aims to improve training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities and to ensure that they have the chance to as independent lives and reasonable income levels as possible. The MSAH is currently drafting reforms to legislation to meet the new policy requirements. The aim is that the disability policy will be ready for implementation in the next government programme.
Further information: Ms Aini Kimpimäki, Senior Officer tel. +358 9 160 74133 and Ms Anne Koskela, Lawyer tel. +358 9 160 74205