Amendments to EU legislation on social security into force
A number of new provisions relating to the coordination of social security systems entered into force between EU member states on June 28th. These provisions apply to unemployment benefits for self-employed persons and the choice of the social security legislation applicable to flight and cabin crews.
If a self-employed person who has worked in another member state becomes unemployed and there are no unemployment benefits available in his or her country of residence for self-employed persons, unemployment allowance shall be paid by the previous country of employment. The amount of unemployment benefits and the period of payment are determined on the basis of the legislation of the state of employment. The same state also pays the costs of medical care and family benefits for the period for which unemployment benefits are payable. The application for unemployment benefits shall be submitted in the state of employment.
More information about the amendments to social security regarding flight and cabin crews can be found at the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
More informationMarja-Terttu Mäkiranta, Ministerial Counsellor, Legal Affairs, tel. 09 160 73877, [email protected]