Actions to reduce the use of tobacco and nicotine products

The key actions to reduce the use of tobacco and related products are:

  • as high product prices as possible (price and tax policies)
  • smoke-free environments
  • banning tobacco product marketing
  • restricting access to products (sales bans and making sales subject to licence, for instance)
  • regulation on products, their characteristics and unit packets (markings about nicotine, tar and carbon dioxide emissions and warnings, for instance)
  • anti-smoking communications
  • support for the cessation of the use of tobacco and related products.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has established a working group February 2022 to make proposals to support and promote the end of the use of tobacco and other nicotine products in accordance with the objectives of the Tobacco Act. The measures proposed by the working group aim to decrease the number of people who start using tobacco and nicotine products in the future. 

The working group established by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health presented a road map in May 2018, the systematic implementation of which would end the use of tobacco and other nic-otine products in Finland by 2030.

At that time they would be used daily by less than five per cent of the adult population. To achieve this objective referred to in the Tobacco Act, the tobacco policy should be monitored and assessed during each government term and new measures should be developed.

Further information

Reetta Honkanen, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Department for Safety, Security and Health / TUTO, Wellbeing and Health Protection Unit / HYT Telephone:0295163684   Email Address:

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