Half of population already receive healthcare in three-day limit
Information on the ability of health centres to meet new healthcare timeframes prior to their being introduced at the beginning of March provides a useful indication of the scale of improvements needed.
The three-day timeframe for access to healthcare in health centres is available for about 48 percent of the population. Some 47 percent of the population live in areas where health centres have occasional problems meeting the timeframe. Health centres covering just four percent of the population have continual problems with the deadline.
The new regulations on timeframes for access to health care aim to ensure immediate contact for patients during working hours. Sixty-two percent of health centres were able to meet this demand. The remainder found this difficult either occasionally or constantly.
In addition, some 10 percent of health centres reported that they had to arrange emergency care in cooperation with other ones, while every fifth health centre reported having to arrange such care through the private sector,