Drug policy

Finland makes use of social policy, national legislation and international agreements to

  • prevent the demand and supply of drugs
  • reduce the harm caused by drugs
  • ensure that people with drug problems receive treatment as early as possible
  • instigate criminal proceedings against those guilty of illegal activity.

In its drug policy Finland emphasizes continued long-term work at basic level, cooperation between various stakeholders, balance between measures to reduce drug demand and supply, harm reduction, and promotion of fundamental and human rights.

Finland applies the United Nations’ conventions and the European Union Drugs Strategy 2013–2020 and Action Plan 2017–2020. Drug policy is implemented in close cooperation with pharmaceutical policy in order to safeguard access to key medicinal products.

Cooperation on drug policy implementation

The MSAH's Drug Policy Coordinating Group is responsible for collaboration between different administrative sectors on drug policy. The group's task is to develop and harmonise national drug policy, and monitor the development of the drug situation.

In its drug policy Finland complies with and applies the UN's conventions and resolutions on drugs, as well as the EU's drug strategy for 2012-2020.

Mer information

Elina Kotovirta, konsultativ tjänsteman 
social- och hälsovårdsministeriet, Avdelningen för säkerhet och hälsa / TUTO, Enheten för skydd av välfärd och hälsa / HYT Telefon:0295163713   E-postadress: