Gender equality is a core value in Finland

Finland is an equal society. Men and women are equally represented in the labour market and the employment rate of women is high. Support is provided to families for the coordination of work and family life.

Parenthood is for both mothers and fathers, and good conditions are ensured for children through an extensive child and maternity clinic system, right to day-care, school health care and school meals.

Finland is an equal consensus society

Men and women are equally represented in the labour market. Both men and women can promote their personal careers, since family leaves following the maternity leave may be divided between the parents. Fathers of small children have the right to paternity leave.

Many questions relating to work life and equality are agreed with the state, employers and employees and the agreements are also adhered to. Gender equality is a core value in Finland.

The Act on Equality between Women and Men was legislated as early as in 1968. The Act forbids discrimination based on sex or sexual identity and promotes equality.

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