The aim of gender equality policy is to promote equality between men and women

Equality between men and women is promoted and implemented with measures which, put together, constitute the Finnish gender equality policy.

Equality between women and men requires active promotion and the elimination of gender-based discrimination, also in cases where it is linked to other forms of discrimination, such as age or ethnicity.

The priorities of gender equality policy are based on the Act on Equality between Women and Men (Equality Act), the 2010 Government Report on Gender Equality, and Government guidelines. Work is carried out in all ministries and it is coordinated by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Government Action Plan for Gender Equality

The Government Action Plan for Gender Equality collates the most important measures by which the government promotes equality between women and men and combats gender-based discrimination. 

In accordance with the Government Programme, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government will draw up a cross-sectoral Action Plan for Gender Equality.

Government Report on Equality Policy

In 2010, the Government adopted a report on equality policy. The report outlines the Government’s gender equality report on gender equality policy by setting long-term national and international objectives for gender equality for Finland.

Дополнительная информация

Eeva Raevaara, neuvotteleva virkamies 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Työ- ja tasa-arvo-osasto / TTO, Tasa-arvoyksikkö / TASY Työllisyys-, sosiaalipolitiikka-, terveys- ja kuluttaja-asioiden neuvosto  Puhelin:0295163205   Адрес email: