Selection criteria and their weightings in Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s call for applications: Promoting gender equality in working life

The monitoring committee for Sustainable growth and jobs 2014–2020 – Finland’s Structural Funds programme examined and approved the methods and criteria for selecting projects in compliance with the General Regulation (1313/2013) on 14 January 2015. The Finnish Structural Funds programme has three types of selection criteria:

I General selection criteria

The general selection criteria are requirements based on EU and national legislation, and before the project approval procedure, the financing authority must adequately check that these criteria are fulfilled. The general selection criteria serve as a check list for the financing authority. The financing authority can tick all criteria that are met in the information system. If one of these criteria is not met, the project is not eligible.

II Specific selection criteria

The specific selection criteria relate to individual specific objectives. Rather than limiting the eligibility of projects, they seek to select the best projects. Priorities or focus areas that bring particular added value to the programme have been highlighted as selection criteria. All projects must have an impact on growth, competitiveness and employment.

The financing authority will enter the points awarded to the project as well as the weightings and their justifications at the assessment criteria of the individual specific objective. Points will be awarded on a scale of 1 to 5. In project selection, the selection criteria may be weighted in line with the objectives of the call for applications. The weightings are expressed as percentages, and the total value must be 100.

III More specific regional or thematic selection criteria

The financing authority may also set its own, more detailed selection criteria for the specific objectives.

Selection criteria

I General selection criteria

  • The implementing organisation of the applicant (or beneficiary) and the funded measures are in line with the programme's specific objective.
  • The applicant (or beneficiary) is a legal person governed by private or public law.
  • The project has a goal-oriented and concrete plan that is based on identified needs and allows the monitoring of project implementation
  • The applicant (or beneficiary) has the financial and operative capacity to carry out the project. The applicant (or beneficiary) is not in a state of bankruptcy or has not neglected tax payment or social security contributions, and the project manager has not previously engaged in any criminal conduct when applying for funding or has not received an operating ban.
  • The resources available for the project are realistic in order to meet the targets set in the project plan
  • The applicant (or beneficiary) has the capacity to ensure continuity of the activities initiated by the project after the project ends unless this is unnecessary due to the nature of the project
  • The applicant (or beneficiary) does not have any enforceable recovery decisions concerning the ESI Funds (for example, breaking the durability rule, pending recovery decisions concerning State aid granted earlier) that have not been paid back
  • People working in the project have the relevant training and competence for carrying out the project
  • The project funding will not be used as general funding for the activities
  • The results of development projects are made available for general use (not applicable to investment projects or development projects by individual companies)
  • The support granted will make a significant difference in the implementation of the project

II Specific selection criteria Specific objective 8.1 Reducing gender segregation in education and work  

  • The measures of the project promote the employment of women and men directly or indirectly in sectors or roles where they represent the minority gender (20%)
  • The project develops new solutions or produces particular added value relating to existing measures for promoting gender equality (20%)
  • The project produces concrete outcomes promoting gender equality (15%)
  • The project promotes cooperation between actors (10%)
  • The project addresses especially target groups for which output indicator targets have been set: women operating as entrepreneurs or men at risk from exclusion (10%)
  • The project contributes to meeting local/regional labour needs (5%)
  • The project supports non-discrimination (10%)
  • The project supports the principles of sustainable development (5%)
  • The project supports the EU’s Baltic Sea Strategy (5%)

III More specific thematic selection criterion 

The project develops national operating models and/or the project outcomes can be used to support the development, application and implementation of legislation.


Irmeli Järvenpää, erityisasiantuntija 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Työ- ja tasa-arvo-osasto / TTO, Toimintapolitiikkayksikkö / TY Puhelin:0295163274   Sähköpostiosoite: