European cooperation on market surveillance

Market surveillance entails monitoring by the authorities to ensure that products on the market or in use  meet specific requirements and are not hazardous to people's safety and health.

OSH market surveillance is usually carried out under the OSH Divisions of the Regional State Administrative Agencies. OSH market surveillance deals with machinery, personal protective equipment, and technical devices for professional use.

The MSAH's Department for Work and Gender Equality is the competent market surveillance authority and decides on the prohibition of, or imposition of conditions and restrictions on, products that do not meet requirements or are hazardous.

Application of product directives

The Machinery Directive Working Group and the Personal Protective Equipment Working Group operate under the European Commission. Both sectors have their own individual Committees and they deal with implementing product legislation concerning the requirements and safety of products within their ambit.

Member states administrative cooperation on market surveillance

Member States and the European Commission deal with matters related to market surveillance in the Administrative Cooperation Working Groups.

Nordic cooperation

Nordic authorities cooperate on market surveillance issues. They hold annual meetings and may conduct joint market surveillance projects.

European product standards

Products may conform to harmonised European standards (CEN and Cenelec standards) that determine the safety or protection levels of products.

Manufacturers do not have to apply these standards, which set out the technical solutions whereby the requirements of EU directives and regulations can be met.

Notified Bodies

The procedure of Notified Bodies enables EU countries to inform the Commission and other Member States that a body fulfils relevant requirements and is designated to carry out conformity assessment according to a directive or a regulation. Notified Bodies are placed on the Nando (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) Information System.


Pirje Lankinen, neuvotteleva virkamies 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Työ- ja tasa-arvo-osasto / TTO, Valvonta- ja ohjausyksikkö / VY Puhelin:0295163488   Sähköpostiosoite: