International cooperation in occupational safety and health matters

Työsuojeluyhteistyö, kuvituskuva

International cooperation in occupational safety and health matter is mainly carried out in the European Union, the International Labour Organization ILO and between the Nordic countries.

Occupational safety and health cooperation in the EU

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is responsible for improving occupational safety, occupational health and productivity in European workplaces.
The national focal point of EU-OSHA in Finland is Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
The Focal Point appoints representatives to the Agency’s expert groups and participates in European occupational health and safety campaigns. 
The Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee SLIC is a cooperation body for the EU Member States’ occupational safety and health authorities. It operates in connection with the Commission. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is represented in the Committee.
The Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work in connection with the Commission deals with questions of occupational safety and health on a tripartite basis.
The Committee has working groups related to the preparation and monitoring of directives and the development of various sectors of occupational safety and health. 

International Labour Organisation ILO

The ILO prepares Conventions and Recommendations on occupational health and safety. Governments as well as employer and employee organisations participate in the work of the ILO.
The Finnish Tripartite ILO Committee and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment coordinate the Finnish ILO cooperation.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health prepares matters related to ILO Conventions and Recommendations if they fall under the ministry’s mandate.

Nordic cooperation

The Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers are responsible for the official Nordic cooperation. The Nordic Council of Ministers for Labour handles working environment matters.
Cooperation in the field of working environment is based on a working environment agreement and fixed-term working life cooperation programmes.