Economy and activities

The core responsibilities of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health include

  • preparation and implementation of legislation
  • guidance of the agencies within the Ministry's administrative branch
  • international activities

The Ministry's staff functions for the Government include operational and financial planning as well as monitoring and reporting.         

Legislative drafting

Legislative drafting is one of the most important tasks of the ministries. A substantial part of the legislative drafting is connected with the national implementation of the decisions made at EU level.

When preparing legislative proposals, the ministries use working groups and organise hearings. Committees may be appointed for comprehensive preparation projects.

Government proposals drafted at the Ministry are discussed at government plenary sessions. Government proposals are submitted to Parliament at presidential sessions.

In addition to drafting legislation requiring parliamentary approval, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health also drafts lower-level provisions falling within the Ministry's mandate (government decrees and decrees of the ministry).

Guidance of the agencies within the Ministry's branch

The Ministry guides and supervises the operation of its agencies.

Documents relating to performance guidance of the administrative branch of the Ministry:

EU-related and international activities

The Ministry engages in extensive international cooperation on both multilateral and bilateral basis. The important forums for international cooperation include the European Union, UN and its specialised agencies, WHO, ILO, the Council of Europe, and many Nordic and European cooperation bodies.


Pasi Pohjola, strategiajohtaja 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Strategia- ja talousyksikkö / STAR Puhelin:0295163585   Sähköpostiosoite:

Pasi Korhonen, Kansainvälisten asiain johtaja 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Kansainvälisten asioiden yksikkö / KVY Puhelin:0295163175   Sähköpostiosoite:

Liisa Perttula, henkilöstö- ja hallintojohtaja 
sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Henkilöstö- ja hallintoyksikkö / HEHA Puhelin:0295163521   Sähköpostiosoite: