The World Health Organization (WHO) is negotiating a new pandemic treaty in which the aim is to strengthen the international regulatory framework for preparing for pandemics and other health threats. Multilateral cooperation is essential for combating pandemics and other large-scale health emergencies, which, as a rule, know no borders and require joint action.

Based on its mandate, the WHO plays a key role in responding to global health challenges. Under its Constitution, the WHO may also, upon request, assist its Member States in health emergencies. 

Aim is to strengthen preparedness for pandemic threats

The WHO Member States have assessed that the international regulatory framework for preparing for pandemics and other health threats must be strengthened. At its special session in December 2021, the World Health Assembly decided to establish an intergovernmental negotiating body to prepare a treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The intergovernmental treaty negotiations began in February 2022. The aim of the future pandemic treaty is to further strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response internationally. 

Finland participates in the negotiations as part of the European Union

The negotiations on pandemic treaty take place between the WHO Member States. This means that Finland also participates in the negotiations. Finland participates in the negotiations as part of the European Union, which forms the common positions for the negotiations. Finland’s delegation for the negotiations includes representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The delegation also consults other administrative branches and stakeholders. Parliament has been kept informed of the progress of both negotiations at their different stages, and Parliament takes part in forming Finland’s positions for the negotiations. In addition, discussion events have been arranged for stakeholders. The events have included participants from Amnesty International, the Finnish Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, for example. It is possible to follow the progress of the negotiations on the WHO's website.

Target timetable for adopting the treaty is May 2025

The aim is to conclude the negotiations on the pandemic treaty so that they could be adopted at the World Health Assembly in May 2025. The World Health Assembly is comprised of all the WHO Member States. As a rule, the World Health Assembly makes its decisions by consensus. This means that all the Member States would have to approve the decision on the pandemic treaty.

However, if the Assembly is unable to reach a decision by consensus, the voting procedure under the WHO Constitution will apply. It is likely that the adoption of the pandemic treaty will require a two-thirds majority of the Members present at the World Health Assembly.

After the World Health Assembly has adopted the pandemic treaty, each WHO Member State will discuss and commit to it in accordance with its constitutional processes. 

Current international regulatory framework and amendments to the IHR

The WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) are the key international agreement in force and form the key foundation for international cooperation, covering measures for preparing for, and responding to, cross-border health threats. The purpose of the IHR is to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of diseases. Based on the IHR, the States Parties are committed to measures that strengthen the capacities of the states to prevent, detect and respond to health threats. The States Parties must also report threats that have been detected. Finland brought the IHR into force by an act and a decree (Finnish Treaty Series 50 and 51/2007, in Finnish). 

In parallel with the negotiations on the new pandemic treaty, the WHO Member States negotiated amendments to the IHR since November 2022. An agreement was reached on a package of amendments at the World Health Assembly on 1 June. Some of the amendments adopted by the World Health Assembly are minor and technical, whereas others are larger-scale in nature. The outcome of the negotiations is in line with Finland’s position and objectives.

The WHO Director-General notifyed all Member States of the adopted IHR amendments. The Member States have ten months to discuss and accept the amendments at the national level. The amendments will enter into force 12 months after the date of the notification by the Director-General for all those Member States that do not opt out of the amendments. In Finland, the amendments will be considered first by the Government, then by Parliament and finally by the President of the Republic.  

Frequently asked questions

Further information

Pasi Korhonen, Director of EU and International Affairs 
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, International Affairs Unit (KVY) Telephone:0295163175   Email Address:

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